For most special needs parents, our lives have been centered around navigating a life in a way that we did not expect when we decided to have children.

From endless IEP meetings, therapies and sleepless nights to visits to the doctor’s office for unexplained illnesses, its hard to say that we ever get into a “rhythm” or a “flow” in regards to our lives at home.

When your life is centered around managing the unexpected; creating healthy habits and eliciting positive “change” for ourselves can seem like an uphill battle that we never quite win.

Special needs parenting, just like change, is not for sissies. Change can be terrifying. However, we have to ask ourselves the question – “Sometimes are misery and suffering preferable to the unknown?”

The real question we need to become intimate with is: “Isn’t it all unknown? Can any of us predict how many days of life we have left?’

Yoga and meditation work. I have yet to see one person start practicing whose life was not changed in a positive way. Why then, doesn’t everyone start practicing?

Again, we must go back. to asking ourselves honestly if we are more comfortable with the illusion of “the known” rather than the possibility that we could create a positive change in ourselves through the work of a self care routine.

I believe that nature, God, the higher power over us all, truly wants us to be happy joyous and free; and when we take the steps to care for ourselves on a daily regular basis, we are truly held and supported in that process.

Hence my point: I have yet to see one person begin a yoga or meditation practice who’s life has not changed in a positive way.

Need some support? I’ve got you covered! Make sure you are a part of our private parent Facebook group for daily inspiration, guided mediations & free yoga videos. Need one on one help? Check out my private parent coaching program and receive one on one support in starting your self care journey today!